Posted on September 10, 2024 in Referify

Building a robust network of referring doctors is crucial for the growth and success of your healthcare practice. Here are some effective strategies to engage referring physicians and encourage them to refer their patients to your practice.

1. Network Strategically

Networking is the cornerstone of building strong referral relationships. Start by reaching out to existing providers who already refer to you or whom you refer to. Strengthen these connections and expand your network by meeting new physicians and healthcare leaders in your community. Attend local medical events, join professional organizations, and engage in community activities to increase your visibility.

2. Visit Practices and Showcase Your Services

Personal visits to referring practices can make a significant impact. Bring detailed information about your services and demonstrate how you can benefit their patients. Offer to give a tour of your practice, showcasing your procedures and facilities. This not only helps them understand your capabilities but also builds trust and rapport. Additionally, take the opportunity to learn more about their practice and needs, fostering a mutual understanding.

3. Follow Up Consistently

Maintaining communication with referring doctors is key to a successful referral relationship. Follow up on referrals to let them know how their patients are doing. Express your gratitude for their trust and check in regularly to address any concerns they may have. Keeping them informed and appreciated reinforces your commitment to the partnership.

4. Send Updates and Include Them in Email Blasts

Keep referring doctors in the loop with regular updates about your practice. Use email blasts to share news, updates, and any changes that might affect the referral process. This helps them stay informed and reassures them that their patients are in good hands.

5. Address Patient Access Barriers

Make it easy for patients to access your practice by addressing common barriers. Provide clear information about how to get to your location, including parking options, bus lines, and any additional services you offer. Ensure that this information is readily available to referring doctors, so they can easily guide their patients.

6. Create Personable Surgeon Videos

Develop short, personable videos featuring your surgeons or key staff. These videos can be shared with referring doctors to give them a better sense of your team and their approach to patient care. Bonus points if you personalize the videos by mentioning the referring practice by name. Additionally, make these videos available to patients if they wish to learn more about their potential care providers.

7. Clearly Communicate the Referral Process

Transparency is crucial for building trust. Make sure referring doctors are well-informed about your referral process. Lanissa Brantley provided us with clear instructions on what to ensure is clear to your referring provider. 

  • How to Submit a Referral: Outline the steps and any necessary forms or systems.
  • What Happens to the Referral: Explain the process from receipt to patient contact.
  • Scheduling Responsibility: Clarify who is responsible for scheduling the patient.
  • Patient Contact Time: Indicate how quickly patients will be contacted after the referral.
  • Communication Back to the Referring Doctor: Describe what information will be communicated back to them.

Having this information readily available on your referring doctor’s page and providing printouts can be very helpful.

By implementing these strategies, you can build stronger relationships with referring doctors and enhance the flow of patient referrals to your practice. Remember, a well-nurtured referral network is a key driver of practice growth and patient satisfaction.