How to Handle Objections to Elective Services

Posted on September 5, 2024 in MDprospects

Discussing elective services like LASIK, cataract lenses, or cosmetic procedures with patients can sometimes be challenging. After years of experience in the field, I’ve learned how to turn objections into opportunities to build trust and reassure patients. Here’s my seasoned advice, with a touch of wit, to help you navigate these conversations effectively. Listen with…

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doctor patient discussion

Is Nurturing Your Leads Your Weakest Link?

Posted on October 29, 2018 in General

When a prospective patient fills out a contact form or calls your practice to schedule a consultation, they’re still learning about your services, team, and overall reputation. They are doing their research so they can make the best healthcare decision for themselves. How can you get them to stay active in your sales funnel? Through…

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Why Do Nurtured Leads Make 47% Larger Purchases?

Posted on June 15, 2016 in General

A statistic we see cited again and again in articles about lead management is from The Annuitas Group that nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured leads. Lead nurturing, as you may know, is the process of letting your potential customer get to know you, your service, and your business – you are fostering…

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How Structure Can Free Your Time

Posted on May 19, 2016 in General

How important is it to have a dependable structure to your day? For me it’s very important; it allows me the time needed for a cup of coffee in the morning and to get my toddler in her pajamas in the evening, and most everything in between. Structure doesn’t just give shape to my day,…

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